Meditations from the Bible

The Virgin Birth of Jesus

Following Jesus

Paradoxes of life

Risen with Christ

The New Birth

The Son of God

The Word   John 1:1

The Witness,  John 1:6-13

Paul's view of evangelism, Romans 1:14-16

Without Excuse, Romans 1:18-32

The Righteousness of God,  Romans 3:21-4:25

Acceptance by God, Romans 5

The Love of God, Romans 5:8-21

The Real Meaning of Baptism,  Romans  6:1-5

Free From Sin,  Romans  6

Free From the Law, Romans 7

Life--Freedom from death, Romans 8:1-17

Suffering before Glory, Romans 8:18-27

All Things work for good?  Romans 8:28-39

What about the Jews?   Romans 9

 My Heart's Desire, Romans 10

Does God reject his promises, Romans 11

Transformation,  Romans 12:1-2

One Body in Christ,  Romans 12:3-8

Getting Along with People, Romans 12:9-21

God Wills Community,  Romans 13:1

Make No Provision for the Flesh,  Romans 13:11

Do Not Destroy the Work of God, Romans 14

Bear One another's Burdens,  Romans 15

The Postscript, Romans 16

God's Love, John 3:16

The Creator, John 1:3-5

The Messiah, John 1:29-42

What do you think about yourself?


Three Basic Decisions of life.

The Hauntiness of sin, Genesis 42:21-23

How should we view life?   2 Tim 4:7

The Essence of worship,  John 4:1-26

What is a Christian?  I John 1:1-4

Jesus beginning His Ministry,  Luke 4:16-30

By What Authority?  Luke 20:1-8

Easter, 1987

My Country, Right or Wrong?

Two Types of Men,  Luke 18:9-14

Giving Our Living,  Luke 21:1-4

Father's Day

The Book of Hebrews